206 Zulu: Seattle Hip Hop Film Festival 2021
206 Zulu

The second annual Seattle Hip Hop Film Festival is now open for submissions!

Submit hip-hop films up to 15min in length on FilmFreeway: www.filmfreeway.com/seattlehiphopfilmfestival

SHFF is presented by 206 Zulu & Propadata Films – the live screening takes place November 28th 2021 at Washington Hall!

More info on to come!

SHHFF Film Freeway- www.filmfreeway.com/seattlehiphopfilmfestival
SHHFF Instagram- https://instagram.com/seattlehiphopfilmfestival
SHHFF Home- www.206zulu.org/programs/seattle-hip-hop-film-festival/

206 Zulu

Seattle, Washington, USA

Learn More About Chapter
CAPO Hip Hop Movie Night
September 21, 2022
Zulu Union Event
Virtual Event
7944 W. 3rd St., Los Angeles, CA
Learn More  
Zulu Union Event