Leftraru Zulus

Santiago, Chile


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Leftraru Zulus is a Zulu Union chapter formed in 2020 in Santiago,Chile. The emblem was designed by one of the members (B-boy Pita) after a brainstorming from all members. The science behind the emblem is the following:

The mountain lion is the strongest animal that exists in Chile so it represents strength.

The symbols behind the mountain lion represent our indigenous communities.

The three stars represent Knowledge-Teaching-Community.

The number 20 20 represents the current year in which the chapter was formed.

The name is to honor a strong and smart Mapuche Chief ( Mapuche=People of the earth). Mapuche is the indigenous community that is still alive and firm. This Chief, Leftraru (Name in Mapudungun) (Lef=Fast/Traru=Traro= Hawk), also known as Lautaro (Spanish name) was kidnapped by the Spanish conquerors when he was a kid. After living many years under their rules, he finally escaped from them and went back to his Mapuche community. He shared with them his knowledge about the weapons and strategies used by the Spanish in order to fight in the Arauco war.



To work to preserve Hip Hop culture through the community development of knowledge, providing safe and protected spaces to teach. Spaces where all genders, ages and a variety of cultures are respected.


To vindicate the values of Hip Hop culture in every territory by having spaces of paritary participation where people feel safe and protected and where diverse generations, disciplines and cultures may discuss freedom of speech.

Leftraru Zulus

Santiago, Chile

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Leftraru Zulus